Friday, June 26, 2015

A Quick Guide to Clixsense

Today I thought I'd give a quick rundown on one of my favorite Paid to Clicks, Clixsense. Compared to my last guide this one should be relatively short. I figure the easiest way to go about this would be to follow the checklist found on the account summary page. So let's begin.

View PTC Ads

This one's probably the most obvious. In order to clear this from your checklist you do what you probably were going to do anyway, click on at least 6 ads in the View Ads section. You do tend to get a fair number more ads when you're upgraded to premium, but even basic accounts should be able to clear this hurdle pretty easily each day.

Clixgrid Game

The clixgrid game is fairly straight forward. You're given a 30x20 grid of squares to choose from, each one of them brings up an ad that lasts 10 seconds for basic members and 5 for premium. You only have to click 20 per day to get credit on the checklist, but you do have the ability to click up to 30 for basics and 60 for premium. I have won a few times on the grid, once even hitting $5 in one shot, but as far as I can tell it's all luck, with no strategy whatsoever involved.

Complete Tasks/Complete Offers

These two I put together because you have a choice, either complete 10 crowdflower tasks or 2 offers from the offer walls. In my opinion crowd flower tasks are among the most boring of all ways to earn money, and they don't pay well in the least. Luckily I found a while back that there is one particular offer that's repeatable and nearly always available. To find it just click the offers tab, then scroll down to one called Websites Explorer. This works pretty much the same way that the Jungroup and nGage offers from swagbucks work. You simply click the button, let the popup come up, then click the button again until you've cleared it. Then just hit the refresh button at the bottom to go through again. Voila, 2 offers completed. I will say that occasionally they happen to be out of offers in this, in which case you can either wait a while and hope they have more later, or search the other tabs on the wall for easily completed video offers.

Visit the Forum

Hands down the easiest part of the checklist. Click the link on the checklist, it brings up the forum... You don't even have to go any further than that.

At this point you're probably wondering what the bonus for doing all this was. Well as a basic member you'll get 5% of what you've made for the day added on again to your total, for premium members you get 12%


To sum things up, I'd just like to say that though you probably won't get rich with clixsense, the money made from it does add up pretty quickly. Whether or not you upgrade to premium is up to you, and I know that the $17 a year seems excessive, but for me it's definitely been worth it. You can see the differences between basic and premium HERE.

That's all I've got for tonight, hope you learned something useful from all this.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Swagbucks Tutorial

Search & Win

In honor of receiving my first payout since starting this blog, I figured that I would start with what is probably my best overall earning site, Swagbucks. This site is what is colloquially referred to as a GPT, or Get Paid To. In other words they pay you to do several different things and I will soon share with you a number of my usual ways to gain from them.

Each task you perform pays out in a currency known as, of course, the Swag Buck. Swagbucks can be redeemed for a number of things in the reward center. The most prominent of which would be Amazon giftcards, and of course cold hard cash via Paypal.

For the most part each swagbuck is worth about $0.01 USD, however the main exception to this rule is that there is currently a deal on $25 Amazon cards which are 2200 SB, a 12% discount. There are of course a plethora of other things you can buy with your Swagbucks, but in the end the choice is yours.

Now for the aforementioned tips on earning with this site. There are those who swear by cash tasks and surveys, but for the most part I find the cash tasks too tedious and annoying for the money, and I have the absolute worst luck with surveys. So, I will simply stick to what I know works for me.

Apps (IOS/Android) (Up to 118 SB/Day)

If you have a smartphone you don't mind running apps all day, I can not stress enough the value of these. Though I would highly suggest that if you're using the same phone you make calls with, make certain it's in wifi mode to avoid eating your data plan.

SBTV - 36 SB/Day (If you can only fit one app on your phone, choose this one)
     iOS / Android
EntertaiNow - 18 SB/Day
     iOS / Android - 18 SB/Day
     iOS / Android - 18 SB/Day
     Android Only - 10 SB/Day
     iOS / Android - 18 SB/Day
     Android Only

At the time of this writing several of these apps have lost the "favorite" functionality, or the ability to set one video to watch over and over to save quite a massive amount of time. However, word is that they will be returning that soon. If this is the case then there are two links to the Swagbucks reddit page that I would be remiss not to share, the first being their list of shortest videos for each of the apps, which is HERE
The second is only for those with root access on their phone. It's a short tutorial and file that will enable you to automatically favorite the shortest videos in a matter of moments, that would be HERE

Radio Loyalty (5 SB/ 35 Min)

The second way I tend to bring in a lot of SB's is the radio loyalty section. I'm very aware that there are several sites out there that offer RL as an option for earning, but from my experience, Swagbucks has the best payout at 5 SB/35 Min.
If you aren't familiar with the method, basically you bring up a webpage which plays music from one of several different stations that you can choose, every 35 minutes a Capcha pops up and you fill it out to collect your SB's. You do not have to keep it in the foreground, but you will have to either check it every once in a while to see if the capcha's there, or you could set a timer. The easiest way to find the Radio Loyalty link would be to go HERE. It's the last tab across the top of the offerwall. For those who prefer to get there themselves, just go to the top of the page and click on Discover, then Special Offers.

NGage and JunGroup (2-4 SB/Cycle)

Also known as laptop guy and desktop girl, these two offers tend to hang out on the front page. One specifically says nGage, the other says "Take a Discovery Break." Basically the way most of them work is they will bring up a window with a button on it, click the button and a second window will pop up and the original window will begin counting down, once it reaches 0, you click the button again until you've finished the cycle. These are usually repeatable several times, so you can do them until you either get bored, or they say they're out of offers. These can be very profitable, especially since you can simply put the window to the side and just click the button once in a while to keep the cycle going. I find the use of an always on top utility to be very useful. I've had good luck with this one.

Final Words

At this point the only things I have left to talk about are rather miscellaneous. For one thing, the front page has a short To Do list with a few ways to earn around 5 SB pretty quickly. They're pretty self explanatory. They do also have a tendency to send out codes worth a few swagbucks every once in a while, luckily the swagbucks reddit has an excellent bot that posts them so you don't have to go hunting them down in one of the half dozen places they might hide them.

In closing, I'd like to once again post a link to the Swagbucks Reddit thread as they have many ways I haven't listed here to make even more SB's. Not to mention they're also a pretty great community overall.

I realize that this particular post was rather long and more than likely more rambly then I mean to be, but I do hope that at least a few people get something out of this tutorial specifically and my blog in general.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

A Quick Overview

For the last several years, it has been my ongoing goal to make a living for myself online. Though the going has been a bit rough, I have learned a few tricks along the way. I've decided to create this blog both to track my progress as I continue in my quest, and to share what I have learned with any who decide to follow my example. I've never been much of a teacher, but it is my hope that some of you will be able to glean a bit of insight from what I have to say. I wish you all the best of luck.